Saltz Lab @ Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium!
August 22, 2024

This year's Rice Undergraduate Research Symposium (RURS) featured 3 posters from our lab! Allison Jaffe, Ceyda Kural, and Simone Maddox presented their senior thesis research. Behold!

Ceyda! Ceyda's awesome research earned her the department'sfirst annual Elwyn Simons Award for Research Excellence! She will be startingher PhD at the University of Kansas in the fall.
Simone! Simone (also featured above) came INSANELY prepared to this poster session with a behavioral arena in hand! She also apparently said something funny. Simone will be starting her PhD at the University of Minnesota in the fall.

Allison! Allison's devotion to research awesomeness earned her a departmental Distinction in Research Award! She will be starting a post-baccalaureate program at NIH in the fall.

Thanks to everyone for a fantastic RURS

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